SAP SD Interview Question

List the Basic Steps for SD configuration ?

How did you configure SD Document Types? What are SD Documents?

How did you Customize in Sales Organization? Shall you create Plant?

Tell me about Shipping point Determination ?

What will be the possible reason of delivery not getting generated for an item?

Where do you assign Movement Type?

What type of customizations have you done in your projects ?

What is the function of counter in pricing procedure ? Please explain with an example..

Can anybody tell me how can i generate the back order value?

I have issued some FG material through MB1A within the plant. Now my question is that how
can I generate the report?

What is full form of ECC 5.0?

What is Exercise Invoice?

What is the use of entering base price [PR00] in OVKK ?

Can anyone explain about Purchase Order & Purchase Requisition?

Could you give an example of a medium or high priority ticket? and of course the solution?

Who are called Super users when it comes to training in SAP ?

How to prepare test scripts and test data for the GAPs?

How do we write a functional specification for the FITGAPS raised in the business system?

Can anybody explain the following procedure. 1. Reverse calculation based Pricing procedure 2.
Forward calculation based Pricing procedure

Can anyone please explain GAP analysis with example ? I know theoretically the meaning of
GAP analysis. I would like to know some real time examples of GAP analysis ?

What is the difference between Post Goods Issue & Post Goods Received ?

From Which Tcode can I view customer wise Back order (Open order) ?

In your role as the SD business analyst how did you gather technical specifications and
requirements from the client for your functional and technical team members? What tools did
you use?

What type of tools do u use after creation of a sales order for quality checks?

What is the difference between inbound and outbound delivery?

What is bonus buy?

How to activate Horizon in Credit management to substitute with W/D etc.?

What is the difference among sales deal promotion price, price agreement?

On which server End user training are given?

which screen support consultant uses in support project?

What is solution manager?

Explain about dunning procedure ?

What is Business Process Reengineering ? that you have applied in your SAP implementation
project ?

Can we assign shipping point to the sales organization in sap r/3 ? if yes how ?

I am unable to do VF02( Release A/cing ). I am getting the following Error… ” Pricing Error ”
and unable to release the document via VF02. What may be the problem?

What is retro active billing? who will create this?

Can we assign multi distribution channel (like 2 or more) to a single customer in sap sd sales
process …. if yes then how ?

In a sales order processing, Condition records is already maintained but still that particular
Condition Type does not shown in procedures in a sales order. Now what have to do in this
situation ?

What is ticketing ? and what problems you have solved ?

What is the relation between SAP SD and ABAP?

What should be the value set for Lead Time in Sales Document Type while configuring the

How do you calculate net price on MRP based?

Is it possible to release change request, without releasing task ?

Product attributes means?

Can one have multiple packing for delivery?

What is the difference between general item category group and item category group ?

Explain EDI and its usage?

To extend material one plant to another plant what are the configuration you done in your

How SAP support to the client to know the customer requirements?

How to stop PGI?

What is the client specific data? Give two examples of client specific data?

In material determination how you configure the system should propose when product A is not
available then only system substitute with product B. If A is available 60% quantity. How do you
do in the situation?

What are the GAP analysis you identified in your project?

What are the two user exits you have used in your project?

Can you explain about Higher-level item category and item usage?

Why do I use condition indexes? How do you activate them?

What do you mean by sort key(company code data in CMR) ?

When I am saving customer master (internal number range), system generating number range
like 5000211,500216and 500221 instead of giving 500211,500212 and 500213.why system
generating like this?

What are the challenges you faced in your previous implementation project?

What are the time bound deliveries?

How can we process out bound deliveries without shipping point?

While I am creating a customer in ship to party account group you have shipping and billing
partner function tab pages, client wants to shift all important fields in billing like payment terms,
incoterms , and tax classification into shipping tab page. He wants only shipping partner
function , how does you customize?

Explain about minimum value surcharge calculated?

How to extend material and customer to other sales areas?

How we assign sales organization to delivering plant?

Why do you need project IMG?

What is the use of VPRS, EK01 and Ek02? For material cost we are using VPRS why we need
EK01 and EK02?

How sales document is structured?

Explain about common distribution channels and common divisions and combined distribution
channel and combined divisions, what is use?

In sales order how system does picks up plant?

What happens if inspection lot is rejected?

What is the significance of products under system application and products?

In real time what user name and password we use?

Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and planned GI date? Can actual GI date
differ from planned GI date?

Without delivery can you do billing?

What are Z errors?

Could you explain about sales deals?

What is the use of pricing date in condition type?

Why does account group controls customer?

In real-time when we start system in first what screen we get and tell me process how to logon
sap screen?

Explain about smart forms?

Is it possible to do delivery without shipping point?

How to create tasks. What are the maximum number of tasks you were created in you are
previous project?

Have you worked on debugging? Explain any one of them?

Can you do account determination without account keys? And explain how?

What is the difference between customization and configuration?

How does the rule MALA decide the picking location?

How can you use R/3 project management in implementation?

What are the training documents while giving training session for users?

What is the use of sales area?

What do you mean by drop shipment?

In system landscape where the sand box and golden box exists?

What are the inter faces do you know?

What are the Enhancements you done as a support team member and explain any two?

What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys?

How many SAP versions you know? And what is difference between them?

What do you mean by POD(proof of delivery) what is the use of pod? What are the con figuration
you done in your project?

What is the importance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition

Can one specify user specific dates in delivery documents?

What is condition update? Can you give condition update for product, which is already given
condition update?

Is it possible to have different pricing procedure for sales order and invoice?

How you will release change request in SD module? How often you release them?

What do you mean by user specific parameters?

In which phase you transfer data into SAP R/3?

What is the landscape you are following, which one you prefer to test functional module level

What is the use of condition type in pricing procedure determination?

How many user exists have you developed in your current project? Name at least 10 user exists
you have developed and used in your current project?

Is functional module configuration comes under workbench request or customization request?

Explain about SOP (service operating procedure) and your role in it?

To get pricing in billing what are configuration you done in your project?

What is the difference between alternative calculation type and alternative condition base value?

Difference between billing and invoice?

What happens to the material listing/exclusion if the payer is different from the sold to party?

How system picks up pricing while doing billing?

What is the tool you are using for testing purposes in your project?

What is the difference between task and change request?

From where system picks VAT registration number?

Which module integration is required in output determination?

Where do u integrate quality module with sd module ?
What is the diff between business sale cycle and customer sale cycle ?

How do we control the credit checks with specific to distribution channel and division?

Order was created 6 month back for the material M-12 , at a price Rs.400/- and now price is
increased by Rs.80/-,we want to bill the customer now for the new price. What changes or customizing should be done?

Difference between cash sale and rush order is ?



What is IN00(tax jurisdiction code)? what is its use? is it used in present Indian tax scenario?

What is difference between UTXJ & MWST?

What makes Listing & exclusion Work Difference with each other?

What is ticketing tool? what is SODA?

Explain Free of Cost Samples(FOC) step by step ?

I had created an excise invoice but while taking printout system showing an error of HECS duty
as nil in wording where as actually happened is Rs.4O/- and system is showing same amount in
numbers. how to rectify this error of showing Rs 40/- even in Words?

Can anybody clarify when i create sales order the system is not taking the line items and the net
price is zero. What the problem would be?

what is the relevance of vendor Tab in customer master and in which scenario you will use this
tab ?

What is customer account group ?

What are the Steps for the End-user Training in SAP-SD module?

What are called CMM level 5 companies ?


How to do customization of rebate processing in SAP SD ?

What is the break down in Pricing and Billing?

What is the purpose of the request number which is generated when u save a customization?

What is the difference between General Item Category Group and Item Category Group?

If the client logon screen deleted, requirement is urgent? then what can we do ?

Can anybody explain briefly about SLS ?

What is CTS? where it can be use?

How to close the backorders?

Can u help me in knowing the SD and MM integration places?

Suppose the customer creates purchase order directly, where u have to store the purchase

How the customer required delivery date determined? or delivery date determined?

What is solution builder? when and where it will be useful?

What is Copy Control? and how it works in sales documents ?.

Where we define the customer rebates?

What is functional specs?

When i creating the sales order the system show error “No customer master record exist for
sold to party”. How to rectify it?

What are the limitations of SAP?

How to customize Excise duty, Insurance, cess condition type in Pricing procedure? Explain in

How to customize “Excise challan cum Commercial Invoice” in SAP? Explain in detail

How cost will flow from delivery(with out reference order) to billing?

What is the use of Material type in regard to SD.

Which partner function relevant for credit limit?

What is the use of Delivery & Billing documents Header and Item.

What documents are generated after saving Billing document?

If we don’t give the horizon period in dynamic credit check what will happen?

In which scenario order and billing has different pricing procedure?

what is the use of update groups in credit management?

Is there any difference between product selection and material determination?

Explain how differs ITEM from schedule line sales document?

Can you explain different types of invoice ?

If you generate bill more than credit limit then what will happen?

If client requirement is he want settle rebate with material(instead of amount) how can we

Explain process and steps involved in returns third party order processing?

Can we rename movement types?

Why do you need to create new pricing procedure when you are in supporting project?

What are the time bound deliveries?

Explain about sales order cycle?

Explain about minimum value surcharge calculated?

How sales document is structured?

How SAP Support to the client to know the customer requirements?

How system picks up pricing while doing billing?

Can you do account determination without account keys? And explain how?

How do you create a plant? What is the T-code for creating number ranges for a sales order

What is the routine used for rounding off in pricing procedure?

In normal real time project how many pricing procedures they use?

After PGI goods will leave our plant. suppose If its goods moving by truck what are the
documents truck driver will carry?

After final settlement in Rebate What are the documents updated?

How can we assign one credit limit to two customers?

How we do the PS to Order?

Can we give the group condition for different material belongs to different plants or shipping

How we maintain one material at a time for two company codes?

What tool did u use in unit testing? and give me some important fields in it? how does it look

How to configure the functionality of agent that gets commission on the order brought for other
customer. Also, how can we have a report for calculating commission on monthly basis for this

What is LIS ?

How system identifies the item category at the time of batch splits happen?

What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys?

What is the importance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition

What is the use of pricing date in condition type?

Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and planned GI date? Can actual GI date
differ from planned GI date?

What are the GAP analysis you identified in your project?

How system picks up pricing while doing billing?

Quotation has been created for product-D, 10 quantities, sales order is created with reference to
the quotation, system copies 10 quantities in sales order. How do you restrict in sales order end
user should not change quantities, system should not allow for changes by any user?

How many SAP versions you know? And what is difference between them ?

In system landscape where the sand box and golden box exists?

What is the client specific data? Give two examples of client specific data?

Product attributes means?

How you will release change request in SD module? How often you release them?

What do u mean by SAP Best Practices?

What is Lean Warehouse Management?

What is a Transfer order?

How does shipping point get determined?

A customer has 2 materials one is third party mat(TAS),Second one is normal mat(TAN)..These
both items entered in one sales order and his requirement is he wanted in single invoice with out
splitting? How can we do this?

What is condition supplement and why is it used?

What is the link/control between sales and distribution and quality?

What is the difference between centralized credit management and decentralized credit
management ?

What is bonus buy & how u run it in the system ?

What setting we have to done to apply condition type SKTV (cash discount before Tax)and
SKTO ( cash Discount after tax)in a single sales order.and wat is the difference in condition type
HD00 and KF00. ?

what is the difference between condition type EK01 (costs), PR00( basis price) and PBOO( gross
price).can we apply all the three condition type in single sales order?

I recently faced an interview question i.e A customer has 2 materials one is third party mat
(TAS),Second one is normal mat(TAN)..These both items entered in one sales order and his
requirement is he wanted in single invoice with out splitting? How can we do this?

What is cut over strategy?

What is value SAP ?

What are the deliverables in ur blue print?

What are the statuses?

Tell process of ticket flow from client side to you?

How u used to get tickets?

How it look like inside?

Tell me the tool ur company is using for support?

What are the reports u have generated with help of ABAP?

Tell me ur business flow?

Why should we say it is a procedure?

Tell me LSMW important step?

What is the land scape?

What is the parent and child relationship?

How it looks like inside?

Who will create transportation request?

How many changes can u make in one request?

What is transportation request?

What are the parameters that u can see in FD32?

What is difference between listing and exclusion?

What is difference between inclusive and exclusive?

What do u mean by exclusive in access sequence?

What is the purpose of sales document type?

What is difference between SD account key and FI account key?

Do u have any link for customer master and credit management?

For cash sale how will availability check be done?

What is difference between transport and task?

What is the purpose to differentiate the sales document type?

What is difference between listing and exclusion?

What is client requirement in scheduling category?

What is ur role in sales document type as per ur client requirement?

What will you do in blue print stage ?

How you get data of implementation ?

How will access the data in to production ?

What do u mean by GAPS in ur implementation project. Can u plz give me any three gaps which
u identified during ur project. in SD module?

List the steps in partner determination?

How to configure partial deliveries?

Relation between PGI and TOR?

What are all the things we need to do configure before doing consignment ?

What is the difference between item Proposal and dynamic product proposal?

What is Extract used in condition tech. in pricing.?

What is usages in item category determination? How & Where are these maintained? How to
assign them?

What is integration points between SD AND MM?

What is integration points between MM,PP and SD?

In TOR, what exactly is REQUIREMENT CLASS and REQUIREMENT TYPE? give a brief

What is a field catalog? where do we configure it?

What is the difference between ATP check and availability check how these reflect in sales order
(which check system considers) what are the IMG settings for the same?

In what Scenario(IMG Setting) we can see stock against quotation in MDO4 transaction ?

Explain in detail Alternate condition base value, and alternate calculation type?

In The return order(After the return order is made)at warehouse it is discovered that all items
are not returnable (Partially returnable) how can we tackle such scenario?

Can we sell the same material from two different divisions ?

Is it possible to have different pricing procedure for SO and invoice ?

What’s the value class in material?

Difference between plant and storage location?

What is MRP types?

If we have three sales areas & single customer. How to extend one customer to three sales

If we have three plants & one material No. Then how to extend single material to all three
plants ?

What is ABAP query and why it is used?

What is ABAP debugging?

What are the routines and how u have created?

In the Invoice output, there will be for example: 4 line address for the customer in the SAP
standard functionality. If your client asks for 6 line address in the output, how you guide ur
ABAPer to carryout this?



Which data is updated when you create a billing document?

Explain Rebates, Contracts, Credit Management?



How will be the Ticket process flow happens in a Production support project ?

How to post the goods receipt from storage location to warehouse? what is the movement type?

How can we suppress the fields i.e. sales office and sales group in VA01 create order initial

What is line item ?

How do you transfer request from Development instance to production or quality instance?

What methodology is used for dev. SAP ?

How is route determined?

What is a handling unit?

How is access seq. controlled?

How is step and counter differentiated?

How variant is used in reporting?

What is a variant and its use?

What is use of customer group?

Where is shipping conditions stored?

What does an item category control?

How is storage location determined?

What is batch split?

How is shipping point determined?

In third party how sales order changes to purchase req. automatically?

What is Third party sale?

How subtotal in pp is related to credit limit?

How alternate condition base value?

How revenue account is determined?

What is transfer order?

What are the effects of pgi?

What are the Fields in material master?

What are the diff. movement types in sl?

What are the functions performed in a support client?

Difference between milestone and periodic billing?

What are the differences between invoice and billing doc?

Types of billing?

What are 16 fields in pricing procedure?

Where do you maintain factory calendar?

What are dependencies in variant configuration?

How is credit control determined?

When is material determination triggered?

Difference between discount and rebate?

Relationship between company code and sales organization?

What is condition supplement?

What is condition exclusion?

How is item category determined?

How is pricing procedure determined?

What is the difference between VK11 & VK31 ?

How can we process out bound delivery without shipping point?

What are the tools we use to communicate with the client in the companies?

In pricing while creating the price there will be 3 check boxes, each might be having its own
purposes, Pl, let me know the purpose and action of 3 individual check boxes ?

What is backorder processing?

What is the access sequence for header conditions

What is t-code for listing the blocked documents?

What is difference between the item proposal and dynamic proposal?

What is material determination? Can you do two material for one material?

What is the use of the Condition type line item called eko1 or eko2 in Sales Document? What is
condition exclusion?

What is business item(in item category)?

What is transfer order?

What is main purpose of maintaining the master data?

What is difference between the header level condition and item level condition?

How do we configure configurable material and what are the important fields to be filled?

What is the difference between incomplete order and backorder processing?

Can we get deleted sales order numbers?

what are the user exits? how can we create user exits? What’s the purpose of creating user

Company is dealing with the hardware and software products. A customer can purchase both
kind of material then company wants to maintain the credit limits differently as per the
hardware/software wise. where can we do this configuration?

What is the difference between alternative calculation type & alternative condition base value?

What is Material type control?

What are the Standard output types in SD?

Explain the Steps to setup a route?

What is Partner type? Example it?

what is Item category group? where do you maintain it?

Is it possible to link R/3 projects to the MS Project?

What is IMG?

What is Lump sum payment?

What is mean of Rebate processing?

What are the influencing factors for account determination for invoices?

When will you combine deliveries into one invoice?

Based on which documents u will create a proforma document?

Can you delete an invoice?

What is Group condition?

Customer hierarchies use?

Where would you specify that a condition type is a discount or a surcharge?

What is Pricing procedure?

Basic elements of condition technique?

Is it possible to automate output processing?

How many types of output can you have in sales? what r they?

What is Returnable packaging processing means?

What are the Steps in consignment processing?

What are the Techniques in delivery scheduling?

What is the difference between routine and requirements?

What is Backorder processing?

What is Delivery group and what is its purpose?

What is the Function of item category group?

How to stop PGI?

What are the delivery possibilities, When there is not enough stock available?

Is it possible to change existing standard item categories?

Is it possible to create new sales order types?

What is consumption based planning?

Tell me some of item categories?

What is Replenishment lead time?

What is the functionality of negative posting in Billing document?

What is meant by Variant Configuration?

What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Credit Check?

In R/3,is it possible to substitute one product for another? If so, how it can be achieved?

What are the fields in pricing procedure?

What is Item Category Control?

What is the advantage of using the text as a reference instead of duplicating it?

Is it possible to save incomplete document?

I want to give discount on a particular item, if a specific item is purchased. i.e., for ex: if a TV set
was purchased, and a DVD player also purchased by the customer, i want to give discount on the
DVD player. How to set the price condition for this scenario?
Is it possible with 2 quotations one sales order ?
Can you copy one inquiry to many quotations?

Diff. between inquiry and quotation?

What is Valuation class?

Work center?

Explain Routing?

BOM used in which modules?

Bill of material means?

Tell me some of the views of material master record?

Material type means.? Can you tell me a few?

Is it possible to assign a material to more than one division?

Tell me some different partner functions?

What are the different partner functions can a customer master record serve?

Why does the customer master have different views?

In SD,MM,PP,FICO what are the highest organizational units?

Is it possible to assign two different sales organization to the same company code?

Credit control area means? What is the relationship exists between credit control areas and
company codes?

Relation ship between sales organization, plants and company codes?

Relation ship between sales organization and plants?

In purchasing what is the central organizational element?

What is the relation between sales organization and company codes?

In order to make up a sales area which organizational elements will help?

In R/3 u can represent a company’s structure by defining and assigning corporate structure
elements. what is the purpose of doing that?

After logging into R/3 system if you want an end user to see a specific menu could u do

Data dictionary or repository means?

In R/3 system name the three different kinds of messages. What is the diff. between them?

User-specific parameters means? How to create that one?

2 Response to "SAP SD Interview Question"

  1. srikanth says:

    hey very nice set of question to u have answers to can i get answers for prepa...

    Anonymous says:


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