Struts Interview Questions

Why do we typecast ActionForm into out plain java bean class in Action class?

Explain struts flow ?

What is request processor class ?

What is Hibernate?

What is the DynaActionForm? How we implement the dynaactionform ? Explain the way to
implement? in understandable way?

What is a RequestProcessor?

What is the difference between RequestProcessor and RequestDispatcher?

What is the main difference between Mvc1 and Mvc2 Architecture??

What are the Advantages& disadvantages of MVC architecture ?

What are the disadvantages of MVC architecture ?

What is project architecture? Give brief explanation about project architecture?

How to forward from Array List to Jsp in Struts ActionServlet class?

What is the difference between SAX Parser and DOM Parser??

How data transferred from one form bean to another form bean?

What is Request Dispatcher and What is request Processor?

Which MVC architecture struts follows and why?

Where you will implement the tiles in struts?

Is a ActionForm controller or model?

How the error can be showed in the jsp page in struts?

What are the type of forward class in Struts?

Who will run the execute method in struts?

How will you view ur jsp page to the client by using properties file?

What is mean by custom tag?

What’s the diif between Mvc1 and Mvc2?

What are the actions in struts?

What are tiles in struts?

How you implement and maintain your struts project by using MVC2 arch?

How is the Struts framework related to MVC2?

What are components presents in Strutsconfig.xml?

What are the components of struts?

What r the disadvantages of MVC-2 Architecture?

Struts are thread safe or not ?

When connecting with the database, if database server is down, how can we handle this
exception in struts, how can we send error message to the user?


What is the disadvantages of using DynaActionForm in struts framework?

Is form beans are serializable or not?

What is the disadvantage of struts frame work?

Project architecture in java ?

How to deploy your struts application in JBOSS ?

What are Struts properties?

In Struts Programming which is the controller, which is the model?

What is Request Dispatcher and what is Request Process?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Struts?

How do you know what to give for the “path ” under in struts-config.xml ?

Is struts thread safe?

What is difference between perform() used in struts1.0 and execute() used in 1.1 ?

How many types of action classes are there in struts and their uses?

How to set email notification using struts. give the example code?

How to create validations? what are struts validation components?

Why servlet is used as controller not JSP?

How to pass runtime Parameter in Struts1.2?

How to create a search field in strut with code

What is ForwardAction and IncludeAction in struts?

How Struts will follow the MVC?

What is MVC Architecture?

What is the purpose of action servlet and action?

What are tiles in struts?

What is frame work in struts?

What is the difference between a Strut and a Class?

Difference between JSF Framework and Struts Framework ?

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