Weblogic Server Health checking Script

# Modify classpath to as per the weblocic server location in your environment
# The script takes 3 parameters
# The first parameter is the admin url
# The second parameter is the Username of admin server
# The third parameter is the password of admin server

export PATH
java weblogic.Admin -adminurl $1 -username $2 -password $3 GET -pretty -type ServerRuntime
java weblogic.Admin -adminurl $1 -username $2 -password $3 GET -pretty -type JVMRuntime
java weblogic.Admin -adminurl $1 -username $2 -password $3 GET -pretty -type JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime
java weblogic.Admin -adminurl $1 -username $2 -password $3 GET -pretty -type ExecuteQueueRuntime

2 Response to "Weblogic Server Health checking Script"

  1. Hi Venkat

    i need to help on health check for each managed server

    if managed server health state become warnning state e-mail triggerd

    pls help on this

    I need help for Weblogic Server Health checking Script but here I found some useful script I try this in my WebLogic server administration training thank you.

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